Job Creation Strategies by charity and eliminating unemployment are one of the most important issues in society and have occupied the minds of experts and officials for decades. In order to solve the problem of unemployment, fundamental infrastructures should be created and sufficient funds should be allocated to the employment of young people. On the other hand, the private sector, i.e. entrepreneurs and charitable institutions, also play a significant role in increasing employment. The job problem does not involve only a certain part of a society and affects all parts and the general public.

Job Creation Strategies by Charity
Job Creation Strategies by Charity

Barriers to Job Creation Strategies by charity

As we said, creating jobs requires the implementation of infrastructure, most of which are the responsibility of the government. Immediate support plans, material and spiritual support for entrepreneurs, correct and appropriate policies to pay attention to employment, social culture, training elite and experienced forces, providing a platform for training labor forces and things like this, are 100% among the duties of the government. If any of these tasks are incompletely performed or neglected, the employment sector will face problems. In addition, more general issues such as the disorder of the economy and the existence of economic corruption will also be effective in the occurrence of such problems.

It should also be noted that the government is not the only reason for the disturbances in the employment field; But sometimes job seekers also have problems in creating jobs due to misplaced expectations and things like lack of motivation, lack of creativity, lack of decision-making power, and lack of confidence.

Job Creation Strategies by Charity
Job Creation Strategies by Charity

Some important steps in Job Creation Strategies by charity

Job creation problems are not only the existence of obstacles in creating new jobs, it is also important that before doing anything, we should research this issue on the Internet and consult with trade unions and experts in this field. We should also know the potential of the employment and entrepreneurship sector.


Needs assessment in Job Creation Strategies by charity

Needs assessment is another important issue that we must consider in this direction. For example, if we are going to produce a product, our first task should be to research the market’s need for that product. What does this sentence mean?! That is, we have to check how much the domestic and foreign market needs this product and at what level its sales market is. This work is actually measuring the risk of product production in the first step.


Feasibility assessment Job Creation Strategies by charity

The next step in entrepreneurship and Job Creation Strategies by charity is feasibility; Sometimes there is a product whose production risk is low, that is, it is among the primary priorities of the domestic and foreign markets, but it is not possible to produce it. In such a situation, considering that the required platforms must be ready for production, there are no required fields for its production or export.


Preparation of a comprehensive plan to help progress the work process

The next thing is to prepare a comprehensive plan of questions and answers that help the progress of the work process. Questions such as available facilities, financial estimates and cost to be considered, organizations to cooperate with, whether to be early or late, the amount of production risk, etc. Finally, after considering all these things and examining them, one should take the first step for work without fear of failure and trusting in God.

The presence of specialists in Job Creation Strategies by charity

The noteworthy point is that in all the mentioned stages, having a specialized approach to doing the work, causes the growth and prosperity of the employment plans. In fact, the lack of expertise can make all stages of the project fail, so the presence of specialists in all stages of the work is necessary.


Use of employment and entrepreneurship loans: Job Creation Strategies by charity

The government tries to help expand industries, agriculture, equipment and economy of the country by providing special facilities and material and spiritual support to entrepreneurs and producers. Entrepreneurs take action to receive these facilities by presenting their explanatory plans to economic enterprises and banks and presenting the required documents. The profit received by the bank is for three types of cities with less than 10 thousand people with a profit of 10%, nomads and villagers with a profit of 6% and the profit of nomadic and rural facilities for border residents is 4%.

Constructive solution for Job Creation Strategies by charity

There are three solutions for better Job Creation Strategies by charity that can be used to help reduce the problems in this area. In the first type, by creatinjg a community and gathering a group of target users and those who need our product, we can expect an increase in sales success by creating trust and friendship.

The next thing is to use coaches and trainers to prevent possible losses by training the entrepreneur in his desired job field. The last thing is to use creativity and new ways to eliminate job shortages and increase the quality of sales and increase success.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)

Public-private partnerships involve cooperation between government agencies, private sector companies, and charitable organizations to address social and economic challenges collaboratively. In the context of Job Creation Strategies by charity, PPPs can leverage the strengths and resources of each sector to maximize impact. For example, governments can provide funding or regulatory support, private companies can offer expertise and investment, and charitable organizations can provide community outreach and support services. By pooling resources and expertise, PPPs can implement innovative initiatives, such as job training programs, infrastructure development projects, or small business support networks, to create sustainable employment opportunities and drive economic growth.

Incentive Programs

Governments can implement incentive programs to encourage businesses to expand their workforce and create new job opportunities. These programs often take the form of tax incentives, subsidies, or grants offered to companies that hire additional employees or invest in Job Creation Strategies by charity. By reducing the financial burden on businesses, incentive programs stimulate employment growth and incentivize companies to invest in hiring and training new workers. Additionally, governments can tailor incentives to target specific industries or regions experiencing high unemployment rates, ensuring that job creation efforts are effectively targeted where they are most needed.

Job Creation Strategies by Charity
Job Creation Strategies by Charity

Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting, flexible hours, or part-time work options, offer employees greater flexibility in how, when, and where they work. These arrangements can benefit both employers and employees by increasing productivity, reducing commuting costs and time, and promoting work-life balance. By embracing flexible work arrangements, businesses can tap into a broader talent pool, including individuals with caregiving responsibilities, disabilities, or other constraints that may prevent them from working traditional full-time jobs. Moreover, flexible work options can support diversity and inclusion initiatives within organizations, attracting and retaining a more diverse workforce. Additionally, during times of crisis or economic uncertainty, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, flexible work arrangements enable businesses to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and maintain operations while ensuring the safety and well-being of their employees.

final word

Job creation and entrepreneurship are two inseparable parts of each other; From the past until today, one of the serious problems of society has been the issue of employment and business because the problem of employment affects all members of a society.

The government is obliged to help the society to create jobs with proper planning and their principled implementation, because if this important part is neglected, severe economic recession and numerous problems caused by unemployment will be more visible in the society.

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