The years-long crisis in Syria has significantly undermined the nation’s healthcare infrastructure. To enhance improved healthcare in Syria and bolster resilience, SHAAF actively backs health promotion and medical services within communities. Additionally, specialized medical aid is extended to women and children, facilitated by financial support from the children’s hospital in Aleppo and its associated clinics.

improved healthcare in Syria
improved healthcare in Syria


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The people in Syria have been suffering from a complex crisis and humanitarian emergency for twelve years: the consequences of ongoing conflicts and unresolved political conflicts have led to a desolate economic situation and ailing civilian infrastructure. Over 15 million people live in extremely difficult conditions and require basic humanitarian assistance.

The living situation of women and girls is made even more difficult and access to health care, protective services and job opportunities is limited.

Lack of healthcare

The already inadequate health system is further weakened by water and electricity shortages, interruptions in the supply chain and a serious shortage of medical staff. 35 percent of the 211 existing hospitals and 44 percent of the 1,791 public health services are not or only partially functional.

On the other hand, there is a growing need for treatment among the population due to the spread of undernourishment and malnutrition, infectious diseases and respiratory diseases.

improved healthcare in Syria
improved healthcare in Syria

Shaaf help on site

In an overarching context, the SHAAF aid project aims to increase the capacities of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) in the event of disasters and emergencies and to strengthen the communities’ ability to resist and self-help. The health sector plays a central and, in an emergency, life-saving role.

Your donation helps!


Health program in Aleppo for women and children

Disaster management

Improved preparation and management of crisis and disaster situations, e.g. through local emergency teams, action plans, provision of relief supplies


Health care in communities

With a community health program, those involved learn to provide first aid and prevent illness through health prevention and hygiene promotion.

improved healthcare in Syria
improved healthcare in Syria
  • Creation of health teams, first aid training, awareness campaigns
  • Empowering women in their communities through an active and leading role in the planning and implementation of program activities
  • Expansion of capacities for volunteers and employees
  • Provision of the necessary equipment

Children’s Hospital in Aleppo

The SHAAF supports the only children’s clinic in the region with staff and medical materials.


Reproductive health

  • Access to a health facility for pregnant women at risk
  • Safe delivery of newborns and management of medical complications
  • Support from obstetricians

Support for the children’s hospital in Aleppo

The SARC Children’s Hospital in Aleppo is the only hospital for children in the region. Therefore, the services provided there are unique and crucial to the well-being of children – especially when they need special treatments.

syria health
syria health
  • Deployment of 17 nurses and twelve employees
  • Provision of oxygen cylinders and incubators for the intensive care unit

Cost Coverage of three types of treatment for children

  • ICU and incubator cases; Supporting 100 patients per month
  • hospitalizations of children with acute/chronic illnesses; Supporting 100 patients per month
  • surgical interventions; Supporting 100 patients per month