In Yemen’s strife-ridden landscape, Shaaf endeavors to fortify public services and educational prospects, rehabilitating schools and instilling preventive healthcare measures for a brighter future. Through targeted interventions, Shaaf aims to uplift communities and mitigate the enduring impact of conflict on the learning environment.

Better and healthier learning conditions in schools

Due to years of conflict, the public health and education systems have been severely weakened, with children in particular suffering.

Situation in Yemen

Public services and infrastructure in Yemen have been severely affected by the long-standing conflict and the poor economic situation. The health and education systems are also in poor condition. Also, most public sector workers, including teachers and healthcare workers, have not received a regular salary for years.

Education about cholera in schools in Yemen.

People in society who are particularly vulnerable suffer particularly from the difficult living conditions: people with chronic illnesses lack reliable medical care and children lack an appropriate and healthy learning environment. Many children suffer from malnutrition and are forced to stop school. In schools that are still functioning, millions of children are confronted with the effects of collapsed health and water supplies. But health prevention is particularly necessary in schools to prevent the spread of diarrheal diseases and cholera.

Support of Shaaf

Shaaf is improving public services to provide children with a safe learning environment and prevent the spread of infectious diseases through health prevention.


15,840 people benefit from the repair and equipment of schools, supplemented by health prevention campaigns. Another component of the project focuses on the renovation and equipment of two dialysis centers for patients with severe chronic kidney diseases.

Renovation and construction of schools

Improving the learning environment in selected schools in Sana’a Governorate


Repair of eleven schools: restoration of sanitary facilities, renovation of classrooms, laboratories, warehouses, bathrooms and corridors, including walls, windows, doors, electrical network, floors, ceilings, new blackboards and lighting

New construction of three schools

Providing clean water tanks and setting up water collection points for every school

Equipping school children with school bags and school materials

Educational opportunities for children in Yemen

Enhancing Education Infrastructure in Yemen: Shaaf’s Impact on School Renovation and Construction

Shaaf, as an organization dedicated to community development and welfare in Yemen, plays a crucial role in the renovation and construction of schools, aiming to enhance the learning environment across selected schools in the Sana’a Governorate. Through its initiatives, Shaaf endeavors to address the pressing need for improved educational infrastructure amidst the challenges posed by conflict and instability in the region.


One of Shaaf’s key endeavors is the repair of eleven schools within the Sana’a Governorate. This comprehensive repair work encompasses the restoration of essential facilities such as sanitary units, classrooms, laboratories, warehouses, bathrooms, and corridors. The organization focuses on refurbishing various aspects of these schools, including walls, windows, doors, electrical networks, floors, and ceilings. Additionally, Shaaf undertakes the installation of new blackboards and lighting systems to create a conducive learning environment for students and educators alike.


In addition to renovating existing schools, Shaaf also engages in the construction of new educational facilities. By building three new schools, the organization seeks to expand access to quality education and accommodate the growing needs of communities in Yemen. These new school buildings are designed to meet modern standards and provide students with safe and comfortable spaces for learning and development.


Furthermore, Shaaf places significant emphasis on ensuring access to clean water within school premises. The organization provides clean water tanks and establishes water collection points in every school it supports. This initiative aims to address hygiene concerns and promote the health and well-being of students and staff members, thereby fostering a conducive learning environment.


As part of its holistic approach to supporting education, Shaaf equips school children with essential supplies such as school bags and educational materials. By providing these items, the organization alleviates the financial burden on families and enables students to fully engage in their studies without hindrance. This support contributes to creating a more inclusive and equitable educational landscape in Yemen.


Overall, Shaaf’s initiatives play a vital role in expanding educational opportunities for children across Yemen. Through its efforts in school renovation, construction, water provision, and supply distribution, the organization contributes to improving the quality of education and fostering a brighter future for Yemeni youth despite the challenges they face.


Shaaf’s Capabilities: Enhancing School Infrastructure and Facilities


Shaaf, in collaboration with the Yemeni Red Crescent, demonstrates its ability to contribute significantly to the improvement of educational facilities in Yemen. One notable achievement is the construction and renovation of schools, aimed at enhancing the learning environment across selected schools in the Sana’a Governorate.

Through Shaaf’s initiatives, eleven schools have undergone extensive repairs, including the restoration of sanitary facilities, refurbishment of classrooms, laboratories, warehouses, bathrooms, and corridors. These efforts encompass various aspects such as repairing walls, windows, doors, the electrical network, floors, ceilings, as well as installing new blackboards and lighting systems. Moreover, Shaaf has undertaken the construction of three entirely new schools, expanding educational opportunities for children in Yemen.

In addition to infrastructure upgrades, Shaaf prioritizes the provision of essential amenities to ensure a conducive learning environment. This includes the installation of clean water tanks and the establishment of water collection points in every school. By addressing the fundamental need for clean water, Shaaf contributes to maintaining the health and well-being of students and staff alike.

Furthermore, Shaaf is committed to equipping school children with necessary supplies, such as school bags and educational materials. By providing these resources, Shaaf enhances access to quality education, particularly for vulnerable children who may face barriers to learning due to economic hardship or conflict-related disruptions.

Shaaf’s holistic approach extends beyond physical infrastructure to encompass broader educational opportunities for children in Yemen. Through its concerted efforts, Shaaf supports initiatives aimed at promoting education and knowledge dissemination among youth, despite the challenging circumstances posed by conflict and instability.


Shaaf’s Impact on the Ground: Transforming School Environments


The dedicated efforts of Shaaf and the Yemeni Red Crescent are evident in front of newly constructed school buildings, which are equipped with solar energy systems to ensure sustainable power sources. These initiatives reflect Shaaf’s commitment to environmental sustainability and innovative solutions in education infrastructure.

The addition of new classrooms and sanitary facilities underscores Shaaf’s commitment to improving hygiene standards and expanding learning capacity in Yemeni schools. By providing modern, functional facilities, Shaaf contributes to creating safer and more conducive learning environments for students, despite the prevailing challenges.


In Yemen, where educational resources are often scarce, Shaaf’s interventions play a crucial role in addressing gaps and enhancing educational opportunities for children. Through collaborative efforts and strategic investments, Shaaf continues to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students and communities across Yemen, paving the way for a brighter future amidst adversity.

Empowering Local Humanitarian Efforts:

The empowerment of local humanitarian efforts stands as a cornerstone in fostering sustainable development and addressing the pressing needs of communities. Staff and volunteers within these grassroots organizations serve as essential conduits, bridging gaps between communities, governmental bodies, and external support systems. Their pivotal role extends beyond mere facilitation, as they act as advocates for marginalized groups, amplifying their voices and championing their rights.

Through their unwavering commitment to humanitarian endeavors, these individuals significantly contribute to the enhancement of living conditions for vulnerable populations. Their tireless efforts often entail a wide array of initiatives, ranging from providing essential aid during crises to implementing long-term development projects aimed at fostering resilience and self-sufficiency.

To ensure the efficacy and longevity of such endeavors, it becomes imperative to invest in the capacity-building of these local organizations. Training sessions serve as invaluable opportunities to equip staff and volunteers with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate complex humanitarian challenges effectively. Topics covered may include first aid techniques to address immediate medical needs, psychosocial support to aid in emotional healing and resilience-building, and comprehensive health and hygiene education to promote overall well-being within communities.

By bolstering the capacities and capabilities of local humanitarian organizations, we not only fortify their ability to respond to emergencies promptly but also empower them to spearhead sustainable development initiatives tailored to the unique needs and contexts of their communities. This strategic approach ensures that humanitarian efforts are not only impactful in the short term but also contribute to fostering enduring positive change for generations to come.